PHOENIX PARK GAS PROCESSORS LTD HEAD OFFICE COMPLEX: Civil/Structural Engineering Designs and technical support during construction of 16,000 sq.ft. Office Complex. Rivulet Road, Point Lisas
CIPRIANI COLLEGE OF LABOUR & CO-OPERATIVE STUDIES -Upgrade and Expansion: Structural Engineering Design and technical support services during construction
CHARLOTTEVILLE VENDORS MALL, Tobago: Structural & Civil Works Designs for Construction of 13,500 sq.ft. two-level Mall Facility at Charlotteville, Tobago
THA COMMUNITY CENTRES CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME: Structural and Civil Works Design for Community Centres / Multi-Purpose Facilities at Belle Garden, Speyside, Betsy’s Hope, Bethesda, Lambeau, Low Lands and Buccoo, Tobago.
GULF VIEW MEDICAL CENTRE EXTENSION: Civil, Structural, M & E engineering design for extension of private hospital facility
POWERGEN WORKSHOP FACILITY, POINT LISAS POWER STATION: Structural Engineering Design of 18,600 sq.ft workshop with 2 No.50 ton Traveling Cranes
ASSOCIATED BRANDS INDUSTRIES LIMITED (ABIL) – Factory Expansion: Structural Engineering Designs of Factory expansion, New Warehouse and Office Complex, San Juan (Sunshine Snack)
ECO-INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF TOBAGO: Structural and Civil Engineering Designs and Technical Support Services for Construction of two Multi Producer Factory Buildings at Cove-Eco-Industrial Business Park, Tobago